DBE X-Training Completes Another Successful Program!

We are proud to participate in Design Build Excellence X-Training, a program that promotes interdisciplinary processes and provides training and resources to young professionals across the AEC industry!
Last night, AKF emerging engineers and colleagues responded to a mock RFP for a commercial to residential conversion. Participants presented their design approach, the result of 12 weeks of work, to a mock panel comprised of owner reps, architects, construction managers, and engineers who provided constructive feedback.
Congrats to all participants, including AKF's Josh Jiang, Dominik Kovalcik, and Brady Smith! A special thank you to AKF members who serve as program leadership Diana Bilous, Andrew Carlson, and Dennis Michel, as well as program partners Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), Syska Hennessy Group, and Turner Construction Company!