Columbia University
Jerome L. Greene Science Center, Cellar 4 Fire Alarm Consulting
New York, NY
Columbia University’s Jerome L. Greene Science Center, the biggest academic science building in New York City, showcases the University’s high-tech research facilities. The new building boasts an exciting architectural team comprised of Pritzker Prize winning Renzo Piano Building Workshop, along with Davis Brody Bond (executive architect), and Body Lawson Associates (associate architect).
With a long history of successfully completing projects together, Columbia requested AKF’s expertise in witness testing the modification of the base building’s fire alarm and pre-action sprinkler system.
AKF also provided Architectural Code Consulting services related to New York City’s Fire Code for proposed storage of ten cubic feet of ethane gas in the sample prep room associated with the laboratory space being modified. This special laboratory below ground level stores hazardous flammable material, but such storage is not within the typical allowance of the NYC Fire Code. Our Fire & Life Safety engineers identified appropriate safety features, including a special exhaust system that they recommended be implemented for the laboratory. The engineers also navigated between various regulatory agencies that mandate the Fire & Life Safety codes of New York City.
Over the years, Columbia University has entrusted AKF’s Fire & Life Safety team with challenging assignments to ensure adherence to safety requirements across their campuses.
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